

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


During the last three years “Adonis” has been the webmaster of the three blogs named “Adonis Narcissus”. I, “Narcissus”, was his boyfriend, having at the beginning a strictly platonic relationship, which was turned into a strong, total and passionate homosexual relationship, being known and tolerated by me his bisexual past.

Last year Adonis left me for the first time, when he joined a military expedition in Asia. His comeback, a few months later, was an unpleasant surprise for me. Adonis was hungry for fuck, but there was no spiritual connection between us at all. He encouraged me to run his blog, but it was not the same without him next to me. I needed his sight, his touch, his kiss to get inspired. I needed his strong naked body, his… everything to go on.

It turned out to be even worse when, at the beginning of the summer, he confessed me that, despite his deep love for me, he had decided to continue his sexual life with women. He has now moved to his girlfriend’s house and they seem to be very happy. At that time, being totally disappointed, I came across a cute guy, which soon became my new mate and a real lover.

I wondered myself what to do with this blog. Finally I decided to continue it the way it has gone on along these years. So, from now on, the ex-“Narcissus” is the new “Adonis” and his new boy-toy is the new “Narcissus”.

As far as my ex-lover is concerned, my love and respect don’t allow me to be frustrated. He ‘ll be my platonic friend forever. I wish him happiness with his lady and I wish myself and my horny cuttie hot and wet nights.

Thank you
The new “Adonis” in love.

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